APWU President Cliff Guffey has called the Rank-and-File Bargaining Advisory Committee to Washington, DC for a briefing on contract negotiations, but he said a tentative agreement has not been reached. The panel will meet on March 2 with members of the union’s negotiating team.
“We have been meeting with the Postal Service regularly,” Guffey said, “and although progress has been slow, we feel it is important to update the committee on our discussions.
“I know that all our members want to hear details about negotiations,” he said. “Unfortunately, it is not appropriate to disclose the specifics while talks are continuing.
“I ask union members for their continued patience and support as the process unfolds,” Guffey added. “We are determined to negotiate an agreement that benefits union members and that will strengthen the Postal Service for the long run.”
The union’s negotiating team is composed of President Guffey, Executive Vice President Greg Bell, Director of Industrial Relations Mike Morris, Clerk Craft Director Rob Strunk, Maintenance Craft Director Steve Raymer, Motor Vehicle Craft Director Bob Pritchard, and Support Services Craft Director Bill Manley.
The members of the Rank-and-File Bargaining Committee are: Clarice Torrence, president, New York Metro Area Local; Koquise Nolan, president, Oklahoma City Area Local; Gwen Ivey, president, Philadelphia Area Local; Danny Pride, president, Cleveland Area Local; Bob Dempsey, president, Boston Metro Area Local; Larry Miller, president, 480-481 Area Local; Mike McDonald, MVS director, Massachusetts Postal Workers Union; Debra McDaniel, Mail Equipment Shop Local; MacLawrence Ford, president, Indianapolis Area Local; Chuck Pugar, president, Pittsburgh Metro Area Local; Robert Johnson, president, Greater Connecticut Area Local; Carolyn Pierce, president, Broward County Area Local; John Driver, president, Greater Los Angeles Area Local; Marcie Ryan, Eastern Region Spokesperson, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force.
Each member of the union’s National Executive Board names one person to the committee; a 14th member, appointed by the president, is a representative from the APWU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Task Force. In accordance with the APWU Constitution and Bylaws, any tentative agreement between the union and management must be approved by a majority of the committee before it can be submitted to members for a ratification vote.
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement was scheduled to expire Nov. 20, 2010, but the union and management agreed to extend bargaining. The contract will remain in effect until a new agreement is reached through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.