Workshop gave agencies the information and resources they need to develop strong plans for hiring more individuals with disabilities
Washington, DC – On Tuesday, October 26, 2010, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hosted a Disability Employment Training. This event was open to all Federal employees and discussed the hiring of individuals with disabilities and how to meet the goals outlined in President Obama’s Executive Order (E.O.) 13548. Topics discussed at this training included an overview of the E.O., how to effectively use the Schedule A hiring authority, reasonable accommodation guidance, the disability register, and improving return to work outcomes.
“The U.S. Government should be a model employer of persons with disabilities,” said U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry. “I am committed to a diverse and talented workforce, and that includes improving the Federal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.”
E.O. 13548 was issued on July 26, 2010 and mandated that OPM work with the Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Office of Management and Budget to design model recruitment and hiring strategies so that agencies may increase the number of individuals with disabilities they employ. Each agency must create its own plan for increasing opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The E.O. also encourages the increased use of the Schedule A excepted service hiring authority for persons with disabilities as well as internships, fellowships, and training and mentoring programs.
Individuals with disabilities currently make up just over five percent of the Federal workforce and individuals with targeted disabilities make up less than one percent of the Federal workforce. Through efforts like today’s training, the Federal Government is committed to increasing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
“This is a win-win for everyone,” said OPM Deputy Director Christine Griffin. “Employment opportunities are increased for people with disabilities and the Federal government hires highly talented and skilled individuals.”