In response to the President’s Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, Federal Agencies offer bike memberships to employees and urge other Federal agencies to do the same.
Washington, D.C . . . The U.S. Department of Personnel Management (OPM), the General Services Administration (GSA), and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced today that they are offering corporate bike memberships to their employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area through the District’s Capital Bikeshare Program. The District kick-started the program last Monday and by late October it is slated to become the largest in the nation.
In addition to providing federal employees with a green option for transportation, the partnership could also help federal agencies save money and encourage employee wellness. The bicycle sharing program will eventually allow its members 24 hour access to 1,000 bikes at 114 station locations throughout the city and Arlington.
I am so pleased to have this partnership between OPM and the Capital Bikeshare program,” said OPM Director John Berry. “Employees who exercise regularly tend to have lower health care costs and use less sick leave. This saves taxpayer money, as does reduction in our use of government vehicles and taxis. And lastly, bike sharing will help Federal employees reduce our carbon footprint – and that will benefit all of us for years to come.”
The White House recently released the Federal Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans, which include agency action plans to achieve the environmental, economic and energy goals called for in the Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514) signed by President Obama on October 5, 2009.
OPM and GSA are supporting their agency plans by giving their employees a greener option for transportation. All agencies are required to reduce the emissions caused by business travel including around D.C. The partnership between the three Federal agencies and the Capital Bikeshare Program aims to encourage Federal employees to be good neighbors to the DC community by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the overall health and fitness of employees in the DC area by biking to offsite meetings, for exercise or even out to lunch.
“I’m so pleased to be able to partner with Capital Bikeshare to jump-start this terrific program,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “Capital Bikeshare offers people yet another transportation option that is good for their health – and the environment.”
“As the government’s work place solutions expert, GSA is committed to providing sustainable and healthy work environments,” said GSA Administrator Martha Johnson. “By working with our agency partners DOT and OPM to implement programs like Bikeshare near federal buildings, we are helping agencies move toward their sustainability goals while moving toward our agency goal of a zero environmental footprint.”
Bikeshare locations are accessible to most Federal employees working in the District and will serve as a great way to encourage those who are new to bicycling or don’t have a bike to give it a try.
“We are pleased that our federal partners are investing in their employees with Capital Bikeshare memberships and that they recognize the importance bikesharing plays in the District’s goals for better health, recreation and livable communities,” said DDOT Director Gabe Klein. “We look forward to partnering with more federal agencies on our bike programs and other sustainable forms of transportation in the future.”
For more information, station locations, and to become a member, please visit: