Please feel free to contact The DeHaan Law Firm LLP for assistance with any of the following issues:
Policy/Plan Reviews: Many of our clients have long-term (permanent) disability insurance, yet they often do not know the terms. At The DeHaan Law Firm LLP, we will review your disability policy/plan to determine its specifics (requirements, limitations), and to insure it covers you adequately.
Applying for Benefits: Although disabled and eligible for long-term (permanent) disability benefits, many clients find the process of applying for those long-term disability benefits overwhelming. The DeHaan Law Firm can handle that for you. On your behalf, we will submit notice of claim, obtain necessary proof of disability claim forms, and work with you and your doctors to gather documentary proof of your disability. Additionally, we will pinpoint any ambiguous language in your disability claim form that could cause potential problems for you in the future.
Submission of Continuing Proof of Claim: Filing a long-term (permanent) disability claim often means on-going paperwork demonstrating your disabling condition. When you are disabled, that can be a tremendous burden. We will assist you in gathering, reviewing, and submitting continuing proof of your long-term disability to the insurance carrier.
Claim Representation: Many people are uncomfortable when directly dealing with their long-term disability insurance carriers. At The DeHaan Law Firm, we will act as your intermediary with the disability insurance carrier and save you the aggravation. We will handle all communications, host meetings with field representatives, and review all documentation prior to submission.
Independent Medical Exams (IME): Most disabled clients do not look forward to Independent Medical Exams (IME’s). (IME’s are examinations that are required by your disability insurance carrier to ascertain your disabling condition, and often the doctor conducting the exam is an employee of the carrier.) That is why our firm will coordinate the scheduling of your disability exam, and send someone from our staff, a registered nurse, to accompany you during the exam.
Review Settlement Offers and Agreements: Even when The DeHaan Law Firm LLP is not involved in or responsible for negotiating a settlement or buyout of your long-term disability policy/claim, we are available to review settlement offers and agreements.
Click for a case evaluation. Phone: 631-582-1200
Of course, the The DeHaan Law Firm will, if you choose to retain us, negotiate settlement offers and agreements with your long-term disability insurance carrier.