Falls Church, VA . . . TRICARE beneficiaries living outside of the United States will soon begin receiving letters updating them on the TRICARE Overseas Program Contract that begins Sept. 1, 2010. Beneficiaries will receive the letter only if their Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) address is up-to-date.
Current overseas enrollments in TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Global Remote Overseas and TRICARE Puerto Rico Prime will be maintained under the new contract. There is no need for anyone to re-enroll. In addition to new contract information, the letter will include an updated enrollment card and a TRICARE Overseas Program flyer.
Letters will also be sent to TRICARE Overseas Program Standard users,based on their DEERS address. The letter will inform them on how to access services available to them under the new contract. It will also contain a wallet card with customer service and support contacts.
All TRICARE beneficiaries residing overseas should ensure that their DEERS address is current so they continue to receive important TRICARE information. DEERS addresses can be updated using several method; DEERS update information is available at:
For more information about the TRICARE Overseas Program, contact beneficiaries can go to: