SOURCE: by Kate Cyrul & Bergen Kenny
Washington, D.C. Monday, June 28, 2010 . . .Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today announced the panel will hold a hearing titled “Examining the Continuing Needs of Workers and Communities Affected by 9/11.” The goal of this hearing is to learn more about the health needs of workers and residents affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks and about the governmental response to those needs. In the years since 9/11 it has become clear that many people exposed to the dust and fumes from ground zero have suffered debilitating health effects, including respiratory and gastrointestinal disease, and mental health issues.
The hearing will explore the research into these concerns and the programs that have been set up to help individuals cope with them. The hearing will be held tomorrow, June 29 at 2:30pm in room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, It will also be webcast at Witnesses will include:
- Panel I – The Honorable Kirsten Gillibrand, United States Senator, Hudson, NY
- Panel II – Dr. John Howard, Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA
- Panel III – Dr. Jim Melius, Administrator of the New York State Laborers’ Health and Safety Trust Fund and Chair of the Steering Committee for the WTC Medical Monitoring and Steering Program, Albany, NY; Dr. David Prezant, Chief Medical Officer, Fire Department of New York City, Office of Medical Affairs, New York, NY; Lt. Martin Fullman, firefighter, Fire Department of New York City, New York, NY; Margrily Garcia, patient, World Trade Center Environmental Health Center, New York, NY.