Four employees of the VA’s Western New York Healthcare System in Buffalo, NY reported shoddy management of VA medical files. They disclosed that Veterans’ medical files including cardiac records, dental records and Agent Orange registry records were randomly thrown in boxes, out of any kind of order, with mismatched social security numbers. They further disclosed that these messy files were mold-infested and not handled properly to prevent contamination or to insure their restoration. As a result, Veterans’ medical records were often deemed unavailable.
The employees reported the condition of these files to the Director of VA Health Care Upstate New York, who, in turn, told the facility’s Associate Medical Director to review the allegations. The Associate Medical Director “did not substantiate any of thee concerns.” The whistleblower employees then filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), and OSC required the VA to thoroughly investigate. The VA investigation substantiated the majority of the employee’s concerns.
In response to this discovery, the VA has implemented a plan that will better preserve these records, and give Veterans better and easier access to them. Says Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner, “All patients should have access to their medical records. These four employees should be commended for their persistence in resolving this problem.”