Washington, DC – The Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Council, in partnership with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), held an event to showcase the Human Resources University (HRU) and launch phase two of this one-stop training resource center for Federal HR professionals. Phase two focuses on building relationships with interested vendors to develop and offer approved Human Resource-related courses through this training resource. The event gave interested HR professionals and vendors the opportunity to see and hear about the HRU, its launch, new and existing features, and future plans.
“The HRU is an emerging resource and we are proud to launch phase two today,” said OPM Director John Berry. “It serves as an integral part of revitalizing the HR profession by creating a single source for consistent high-quality human resources training. The HRU leads to improved human resources, which ultimately leads to better service to the American people.”
Launched on February 8, 2011, this training resource is working toward saving taxpayer money and improving the quality of HR services. Phase two is part of a multi-phase project with the goal of pooling resources between agencies and reducing duplicative courses across the government. It will ultimately identify the best HR trainings across the government and spread these resources to HR professionals at every Federal agency.
To view the HRU please visit